When a parentally-placed private school or homeschool student is determined eligible for special education services, parents or guardians have the opportunity to utilize the proportionate share program through the Continental Elementary District. After an eligibility determination meeting is held, an Individual Service Plan (ISP) is created within 30 days of eligibility determination for services. If students are eligible for ESA funding, they are able to receive proportionate share services.
Continental currently does not have any private schools within their boundaries. The Director of Special Education does check yearly on or near August 15th to determine if that has changed. This is documented and shared with the Superintendent, School Principal, Director of Student Services, and Director of Business.
Homeschool parents are welcome to reach out to the school for more information at any time. Continental works closely with community members who are involved with homeschooling students. Supports and services are determined on an individual basis.
A yearly virtual meeting will occur in September, with the intended purpose of identifying families and support they may need for their students who are homeschooled. Information about the meeting, including the time, date, and link, will be shared on or around 10 business days prior to the meeting.
Please contact the Director of Special Education at melinda.suarez@csd39.org for more information.
Melinda Suarez
Director of Special Education
Continental Elementary District #39
When a parent or teacher is concerned about a student’s ability to learn, a team meeting known as a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) 1 meeting should be held. Participants included are parents, classroom teachers, MTSS team, and administration. The MTSS team may include, but not limited to, the Principal, Counselor, Reading Specialist, Math Instructional Coach and Academic and Behavior Support Specialist. Through this in person meeting, all important information will be discussed, including team concerns, interventions needed or currently being implemented, or changes in health concerns. A result of this meeting is the team determining the next steps appropriate for the student. Options to consider for students is to increase interventions through the MTSS tiers, determine if a 504 plan is necessary or if an evaluation for Special Education is needed. Further steps will be reviewed, depending on the outcome of the meeting.
The first step is for a MTSS referral to be made, by a teacher through the MTSS system, after they recognize a concern or if a parent brings a concern to their attention. The MTSS Facilitator will arrange a meeting with the team within 15 days of receiving the request. The MTSS Facilitator will check requests on the first Monday and third Monday of the month, replying within 24 hours it was checked.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the School Principal or Director of Special Education via email.
Deanna Cuevas, Continental Principal
Melinda Suarez
When an evaluation for Special Education Services is requested, there are state and federal guidelines Continental Elementary District must follow. Please see the Evaluation/Reevaluation Flowchart provided by the Arizona Department of Education for more information.
Parents may make a written request, via email or letter given to the school, to the Director of Special Education. Continental Elementary District has 15 days to review existing data and make a determination if an evaluation is needed. Input is gathered from parents, teachers, site administration and any other necessary team participants through meetings, work samples, observations, or existing data.
If Continental Elementary District determines an evaluation is not needed, the site team will provide written documentation on why an evaluation is not needed and an explanation of next steps. A copy of procedural safeguards will be provided.
If the Continental Elementary District determines an evaluation is needed, the team has two options. The first being to make a determination of eligibility without collecting data. The second option is to obtain permission to evaluate. A copy of procedural safeguards will be provided for both options. The site team has 60 days to gather additional data. Once all information is gathered, the team will meet to determine eligibility. If eligibility is determined, the team will have 30 additional days to write an Individualized Education Plan.
Request can be made to:
Melinda Suarez, Director of Special Education
A copy of the parental rights and safeguards can be found on the Arizona Department of Education Website: Parental Rights and Safeguards
When a Section 504 Accommodation Plan is requested, there are federal and state guidelines the Continental Elementary District must follow. Section 504 is a federal statute prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities (Rehabilitation Act of 1973). When a parent requests a Section 504 Accommodation Plan to the classroom teacher, the student’s teacher will notify the site 504 Coordinator within 24 hours. A Section 504 Accommodation Plan meeting will be scheduled, an invitation and procedural safeguard will be sent out.
The student’s team will review the most current existing data, to support the determination of the need for a Section 504 plan before one is implemented. If additional data is needed, the team will determine what needs to be collected.
More information can be found for Section 504 Accommodation Plans on the Arizona Department of Education website.
Deanna Cuevas, Continental Principal
Milagros Paz, Continental Counselor/Section 504 Accommodation Plan Coordinator