Parents, please be aware that online registration is unavailable after the start of the school year. If you would like to register mid-year, please submit a registration packet to the front office. Packets may be picked up at the front office, or printed using the link below.
Please complete and return the Student Registration Packet to the front office. Our office hours for registration are 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Summer hours may vary. If you have any questions, please call our registrar at (520)625-4581, ext. 7413.
If you are a new parent and do not have any children attending Continental Elementary School District, create a New ParentVUE account and begin the registration process for your student.
Current Parent Online Enrollment
If you are a parent who currently has an active ParentVUE account and has at least one child in preschool through eighth grade attending Continental Elementary School District use ParentVUE to begin the registration process for your student.
2024-2025 Open Enrollment Application
What is Open Enrollment and how is it different than regular enrollment?
Regular enrollment is attending the local school you are assigned to based on your home address. This is also referred to as attending your default school or home school. Schools must ensure there is enough classroom space for these students (A.R.S. § 15-816.01).
Open enrollment allows parents to apply for admission to any public school in the state as long as there is classroom space available.
The District shall enroll at any time any Resident Pupil who applies for enrollment at that pupil's Resident School. For open enrollment, the District shall give enrollment preference to and reserve capacity for all of the following based on the priority listed below:
The District may also give enrollment preference to the following pupils regardless of the priority list above:
If, after applying the preferences above, the remaining capacity at a school is insufficient to enroll all pupils who submit a timely open enrollment request, the school shall select pupils based on a lottery. If a pupil is selected through the lottery process, any siblings of that pupil shall then be given enrollment preference as well. Pupils placed on a waitlist shall also be informed of the lottery process.
For Nonresident Pupils with disabilities whose individualized education program specifies that transportation is necessary to fulfill the program, the District shall provide transportation limited to not more than thirty miles each way to and from the school of attendance or to and from a pick-up point on a regular transportation route or for the total miles traveled to day to an adjacent district.
The District shall not provide transportation to any other Nonresident Pupils other than as described above.
Open enrollment allows students who live:
Parents choose to open-enroll their child in another school or school district for many reasons such as unique program offerings, teaching philosophy, extracurricular activities, or a closer proximity to work. Regardless of the reason, open enrollment is an option for parents if there is space.
Below is the amount of space available (A.R.S. § 15-816.01). This was last updated on January 31, 2025. and is updated at least every 12 weeks (A.R.S. § 15-816.01)
Current Availability for 24-25 School Year
Available Space | Limited Space | No Space |
Kinder | 3rd | 5th |
1st | 4th | 6th |
2nd | ||
7th | ||
8th |
Projected Availability for 25-26 School Year
Available Space | Limited Space | No Space |
Kinder | 4th | |
1st | 5th | |
2nd | 6th | |
3rd | 7th | |
8th |
What if there is not enough space?
If you are denied enrollment because of insufficient space, you will be placed on a waiting list. As space becomes available, the Continental Elementary School District will select students for enrollment using an equitable selection process such as a lottery (A.R.S. § 15-816.01).
State Enrollment Statute
The school does/does not provide transportation to open-enrollment students. The school does provide transportation up to 30 miles each way to students with disabilities whose IEP specifies that transportation is necessary to fulfill the program.